
Pocketchange: Logitech Revue with Google TV is half baked

"The Logitech Revue is one of the first devices that supports Google’s highly anticipated software, Google TV. On paper, the Logitech Revue seems to be a great way to enjoy Internet TV and your own media shared over your home network. It also allows you to install applications like Pandora to listen to internet radio. There is also a Twitter app to communicate with your friends while watching TV. Google TV aggregates all internet video content onto your flat screen TV. You can find video content from Netflix, Amazon Unbox and even websites by using the built in Chrome browser that supports Adobe Flash and HTML5."

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Logitech Revue finally gets Google TV Honeycomb update

Cnet: The Google TV-equipped Logitech Revue is finally getting its Honeycomb update.

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Logitech Revue running Honeycomb caught on camera, looks pretty good

Engadget - Now that eager hackers have actually managed to shoehorn the latest flavor of Android onto Logitech Revue units, the question is what does it actually look like? We got a few screenshots at Google I/O but now there's pictures and videos popping up all over.

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How would you change Logitech's Revue with Google TV?

Engadget: Remember Google TV? It's still kickin', but El Goog still has quite a few content distribution quibbles to solve before it can be taken seriously -- at least in our estimation.

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