
Is it worth upgrading to HD radio?

PocketChange: "Radio hasn’t quite changed much for the past 80 years or so, at least in terms of technology. The only change that we saw was the introduction of Frequency Modulation (FM) in the 1960s and 70s. After such a long time, a whole new technology has been introduced and it looks like it is here to stay. HD radio promises a lot to consumers and it looks like it is going to be a success. Let us take a look at some of the advantages and see if it is worth upgrading to HD radio or not."

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SactoGamer4925d ago

I'd see HD radio as a perk in a new car but I wouldn't pay to replace the existing non-HD radio in my current car for one.

rezznik4925d ago (Edited 4925d ago )

Yah, for sure. I don't see a whole lot of appeal in getting a replacement for my current car as I usually just listen to CDs or my iPod.

Speed-Racer4925d ago

Sounds good but I could do without the ads. Wouldnt mind paying to get rid of them. To say that it's gonna make a huge difference to change my current radio, i'd say no.


UK radio disturbance caused by satellite network bug

An error with the Global Positioning System (GPS) network has been blamed for problems with digital radio broadcasts last week.