
WikiLeaks alternative OpenLeaks goes live

Arstechnica: OpenLeaks, the alternative whistleblower site created by WikiLeaks defectors, has officially gone live, though it's not yet fully operational. The organization confirmed that it doesn't plan to publish information itself, but rather help third parties (such as nonprofits and news orgs) get access to leaked documents in order to convey them to the public.

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Speed-Racer4927d ago

Wow...those whistles in the pict-cha looked like a bunch of condoms from far


For nearly a year, WikiLeaks was DMing with Donald Trump Jr.

"if your father ‘loses’ we think it is much more interesting if he DOES NOT conceed"

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WikiLeaks website got hacked by OurMine

It looks like WikiLeaks become the recent target of hacking group called OurMine.

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US reportedly mulls charges against WikiLeaks, Julian Assange

Charges could include conspiracy, theft of government property, or violating the Espionage Act, according to The Washington Post.