
Nexus One gets Froyo security update (2.2.2)

Google has released an OTA (over the air) security upgrade for Nexus One owners, bringing it to version 2.2.2 and device build FRG83G. The patch doesn’t do much visually but just plugs some holes here and there.

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The History of Nexus Smartphones

Back in the end of 2009, the rumors were all about Google getting into the phone business. Previously Google offered what were called Android Developer Phones, starting with the HTC G1- the beginning of the Android Era. Then came the Original Nexus series starting with the Nexus One- introduced at the beginning of 2010. Nexus Devices are considered as Google's flagship Android products. The history of Android is directly linked with the Nexus series. Each Nexus device was introduced to showcase latest versions of Android. It shows the evolution of Android over the years and how the hardware Android runs on has changed and improved.Also they are the first Android devices to receive updates to the operating system. Let's see the Nexus Smartphone series- starting with the Nexus One to the newly announced Nexus 6.

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TechImperia3567d ago

I know people would disagree but "Nexus 5" has been the best nexus so far in terms of price vs performance ratio.

Devil-X3567d ago

Good reminder that nexus phones weren't always equally cheap as the nexus 4 and nexus 5, so nexus 6 pricing is still pretty much in line with today's flagships such as Xperia Z3 or HTC M8.


World's First Smartphone-Powered Satellite Launched Into Space

Maximum PC: "At a time when the who’s who of the mobile world are busy strutting their stuff at the Mobile World Congress, Surrey Space Centre (University of Surrey) and Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL) Ltd are celebrating a mobile launch of their own. Except that theirs was unlike any other cellphone launch in history — a launch in the most literal sense."

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Android Phones Will Power NASA's New Fleet of Mini-Satellites

PCW: Hoping to inject new life into low-cost space exploration, NASA's 'PhoneSat' program will launch a series of Google Nexus One–controlled mini-satellites into space later this year.