
McDonald's sells Big Macs in half a second with new technology

Mirror: McDONALD’S is living-up to its fast food name by selling Big Macs in half a second.

The burger giant has confirmed the UK’s biggest roll-out of tap-and-go technology that’s set to revolutionise the way we pay for goods.

Special contactless readers next to the till allow customers to pay for items under £15 on a card without entering a PIN.

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Hacker Launches Cyber Attack on Former Employer from McDonald's

Jason Cornish faces up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000

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Syko4724d ago

- Hacking WIN
- Covering vital tracks in order not to get caught FAIL
- Evidence destruction FAIL

Easy to see where this went wrong right after the hacking success...Gotta plan the getaway too lol.