White iPhone 4 may have missed the boat

Pocket-Lint: It may be coming in spring (finally), but the white iPhone 4 could be too late to make much of an impact of a rapidly growing smartphone market. In the United States, at least.

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White iPhone 4: New Feature Highlighted

IGN writes: "After a year of waiting, the white version of Apple's popular smartphone has finally arrived and we've got one in the office; check it out in our quick video overview."


White iPhone 4 Meets HTC Thunderbolt and LG G2X

RPad.tv takes a flippant look at the new white iPhone 4. It's definitely a beautiful piece of consumer electronics, but several recent phones have ;superior capabilities. Two such phones are the HTC Thunderbolt (Verizon LTE) and the LG G2X (dual-core Tegra 2). The site filmed the white iPhone next to these phones for size comparison and conversation.

iNFAMOUZ14836d ago

g2x ftw, iphone is for faggots.

michass84835d ago

That must be some gift from Thailand, with pictures on it LOL


White iPhone 4 Now available for order on 3 UK, delivers on April 20th

TNW: The mythical white iPhone 4 is now available for order on the 3 UK store. The phone is available for the standard subsidized price of £159 for the 32GB version. Update below.

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Aussiegamer4846d ago

Wonder how long until its available in Australia?

thinking4844d ago

wow just now? that's a long wait.