Pocket-Lint - Jabra EasyGo Bluetooth Headset hands-on

Pocket-Lint - Designed as an entry-level headset, with a price point to match, Jabra's EasyGo Bluetooth offering is satisfyingly simple to setup and operate from the box. Its a Bluetooth v2.1 device and is backwards compatible, so will work with a vast array of mobile handsets, and it can pair with two devices simultaneously; great for those who have separate work and personal phones.

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Texting vs. Phone Calls -ScienceRay

In these modern times, does anyone have time to make phone calls anymore? Text messaging has become the highlight of mobile devices. Making phone calls is too much of a hassle; its easier to send a quicktext and continue on with your daily activities.

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Shackdaddy8364680d ago

I hate making phone calls now. IDK, it feels awkward now to talk to someone you can't see...

I much rather text people.

gogospeedracer4680d ago

I much rather text, just like you. Call me if you have an emergency. Text me for everything else.