
Mammoth 'could be reborn in four years'

Telegraph: The woolly mammoth, extinct for thousands of years, could be brought back to life in as little as four years thanks to a breakthrough in cloning technology.

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Syko4939d ago

Why exactly are we always trying to bring this thing back into existence? Perhaps it went extinct for a reason...Just saying.

xVeZx4939d ago

so we can take his tusks

rockleex4938d ago

Could this be a hinting at 2012? :D

toaster4938d ago

Agreed, those scientists should go watch Jurassic Park.

Cat4938d ago

Great, Syko, now your neighbors will be raising these things and having them for dinner.

theonlylolking4938d ago

I dont see the problem. Just put them in Russia and they survive or keep them at a zoo. Its not like they are harming anything. If it existed before than it can exist again.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4938d ago
NicSage4938d ago

I say bring Jurassic Park OOOONNNNNN!

AwesomeJizz4938d ago (Edited 4938d ago )

I want all those scientists to die. Seriously.. Stop trying to bring back to life things that are already dead... It won't be too long before they resurrect Dinosaurs and the end of the world

RufustheKing4938d ago

they are still around, we just call them politicians now

1Victor4938d ago

can't wait for the mammoth burger @ burger king


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