
Virgin Mobile to throttle Broadband2Go speeds from February

Virgin Mobile has sent out an email to its Broadband2Go customers informing them of a new data speed throttling policy for those using 5GB and over worth of monthly transfer.

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Virgin Mobile Make All Data Plans Unlimited

Good news for Virgin Mobile customers who rely on their mobile data connection for work, play and keeping in touch.

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markkavanagh1262d ago

Virgin is Ireland’s best broadband

PrimeVinister1262d ago

I would have to agree - had several bandwidth-hungry people on it for months and it never let us down.


Virgin Mobile’s YouTube channel uses ‘BlinkWashing’ to change the ad whenever you blink

GigaOM - Virgin Mobile is using your webcam to track your eye movement on its YouTube channel, changing the ad whenever you blink.

SnakeCQC3965d ago

what happens if i keep my eyes closed?


Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile Both Stoked to Carry Samsung Galaxy S III

HotHardware: In Samsung's world, the talk of the Galaxy is all about the recently unveiled S4 with its plethora of fancy new features and hardware enhancements, but don't go hating on its predecessor. The Galaxy S III is still a capable smartphone, which is why Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile are so excited to announce that they're now carrying Samsung's previous flagship device.

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fatstarr4084d ago

it would be cool if they got some super pricing along with this.

Software_Lover4083d ago

If only Republic Wireless would get on board with a freakin decent phone.

iliimaster4076d ago

this is great news for cellphone lovers to have this phone so accessible to other carriers great job.... i myself have a samsung gs3 with cricket wireless and its faster than sprint in my area like you wouldnt believe