
Wikipedia celebrates 10th anniversary, co-founder Jimmy Wales opines on app stores

Engadget: Did you know that Wikipedia is celebrating its 10th anniversary this week? It is, on January 15th! It's hard to believe that the 'edited by the everyman' encyclopedia has been around that long... or maybe we're just getting old.

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WT:Social Will Be An Alternative To Facebook, Twitter: Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales

Jimmy Wales anticipates that ‘WT:Social’ networking and the program will be set off as another substitute to Facebook and Twitter to share the news.

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masterfox1712d ago

hell yeah another service to compromise even more your personal information, seriously from IT Engineer please use your brain a bit before sending your information to another unknown company.


20,000 Chinese writers will create their own Wikipedia competitor

"Our goal is not to catch up, but overtake."

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thorstein2641d ago

Make sure it only contains primary documents and it will be perfect. No need for the 20-30% of misinformation Wikipedia includes.


Turkey blocks Wikipedia over an alleged 'smear campaign'

Turkey just escalated its bid to silence online dissent.

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