
New Facebook profile coming soon

BT: "For those who have not switched to the new Facebook profile, your days are numbered. Facebook has put up the notification announcing that the 500 million plus profiles will be running the new design very soon."

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fatstarr4943d ago

I like how they give you the choice and then they just force it on you.

Speed-Racer4943d ago

Yea, and this new one seems to be actually quite decent

fatstarr4940d ago

nope it isnt. Lol some girl on my friends list got her life blasted away. Pictures depicting she was a whore about 30 tagged pics and right there on her facebook wall scroll picture thing.

theres 2 things wrong imo
cant see websites
cant see personal quotes
cant see status at the top of the page next to your name.


Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta

Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta.

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How to change your birthday on Facebook

Now you can get happy birthday messages on your actual birthday instead of some random day.

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855d ago

Facebook says to follow its livestream rules or be banned, this is your only warning

Facebook has to implement new rules for Facebook Live because people are literally the worst. Now, if you break the rules you'll receive a ban.

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