Engadget: We knew Sony would be non-plussed about the PlayStation 3 jailbreak, and now we have a better idea as to the full extent of its anger. The company has filed suit (not yet, see below) asked for a restraining order against George "Geohot" Hotz, the "hacking group" fail0verflow (Hector Cantero, Sven Peter, "Bushing," and "Segher"), and numerous John / Jane Does over the exploit and its release. To be more specific, the company cites violations of Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, various copyright infringements, and other acts of binary malfeasance.
Sony's preorder routine is slightly different this time around.
With BMW, Sony Honda and Ram revealing EV plans, cars dominated CES 2023
According to a recent statement by Sony, it has sold out around 25 million PlayStation 5 consoles.
You're going to need it.
I'm not sure why they did this...desperation, panic? The stuff is out on the internet, they can't get it back. Did the RIAA's success at shutting down Napster stop music pirates? I heard that the failOverflow guys released all of there data in response to this, something they hadn't done before.
2011 will be an interesting year on the Sony/homebrew/piracy front.