
Lawyer fears Assange could face death penalty in US

A defense attorney for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims his client could face the death penalty if he’s extradited to Sweden and if that country then passes him to US authorities.

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toaster4944d ago

He hasn't done anything wrong ಠ_ಠ

fatstarr4943d ago

yup but the united states just wants to kill of this thorn in its sides before he does something else.


US reportedly mulls charges against WikiLeaks, Julian Assange

Charges could include conspiracy, theft of government property, or violating the Espionage Act, according to The Washington Post.


Julian Assange 'happy' about the rise of fake news

Confusion helps his brand of high-minded doxxing.

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ravinash2711d ago

I'm all for leaking information that governments try to cover up issues regarding human rights and things like that.
But Fake news is just giving governments the power to do what ever they want.
Do something that people disagreed with - "This story said such and such happened, so we have to protect the people against this"!
If the media discovers something the government is doing and reports it - "Oh that's fake news, the media is against us".
There is nothing good about fake news and when you look at the agenda of the people who push it, it's in fact very scary.


WikiLeaks director & Assange’s mentor Gavin MacFadyen dies

WikiLeaks director and founder of the Centre for Investigative Journalism Gavin MacFadyen has died at age 76. The cause of death is yet unknown. His ‘fellows in arms’ have flocked online to post their farewells, including WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.