
10 Neat Movies On YouTube With Cool Visual & Special Effects

Hardly any movie today does without visual or special effects. In fact, most movies are so far removed from reality, that almost the only thing that remains real and not tampered with are the actors – and you cannot even be sure about that.

The following neat movies give you an insight into the art of movie effects. You are bound to be amazed.

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YouTube Calls Out OpenAI for Alleged Sora Training Terms Breach

According to Bloomberg, YouTube CEO Neal Mohan has expressed concern regarding the potential misuse of platform content by OpenAI’s Sora, an AI-driven video creation tool.

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The Downward Spiral of Linus Media Group

Shaz from TL writes: “Linus Sebastian’s media company, Linus Media Group, is under fire. From ethical concerns with videos, to allegations of workplace harassment.”

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How to turn on closed captions on YouTube

If you need (or prefer) to read video content on YouTube, you have options.

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514d ago