
Penthouse To Create First 3D Porn Channel

CrunchGear: Continuing to remain at the forefront of technology and innovation, Penthouse announces the launch of the PENTHOUSE 3D Channel. This new channel will feature original adult-oriented programming each month shot in native high definition and 3D. The company’s commitment to 3D draws on the strengths of Penthouse’s unique expertise in content delivery, movie making and technological acumen.

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Speed-Racer4946d ago

Youporn has 3D porn for free. Why should I pay for this?

toaster4945d ago

No way, really? *goes to look* OMG YOU'RE RIGHT!!!

I guess penthouse is a little higher class, plus they'll probably have stuff in HD :3

Speed-Racer4945d ago

A friend of mine has a Penthouse subscription...it's a joke. Their HD movies are like 720x480 in resolution. Most of their top movies are shown on the site's home page... like how movie previews show the best parts of a film and hide the crap. Youporn ftw

-Mezzo-4945d ago

Wow, its the first time that i have seen Porn being discussed this openly on a NewsBoiler site.

toaster4945d ago

What's even more puzzling is that CrunchGear is reporting this :| Well, someone has to keep track of the porn industry.

Cat4945d ago

@toaster - and what brave little journalistic soldiers they are! ;)

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D3athc3ll4944d ago

The ultra low life ppl on planet earth = pornstars!!

If there is a God, i hope He let another noah episode happen! wash out all the sins again!

If u really want to know more about sex - read a book (without porn) ffs and explore it urself, just imagine the fun in it!

No porn is for real men!!

toaster4944d ago

A guy builds a boat and gets two of each animal to fit on it, each animal within walking distance of his boat... but porn is just ridiculous.

D3athc3ll4944d ago

I agree it sound silly, but did u notice, that Noah is in every culture? They just got different stories behind it! Go read the China one, its nice.

i meant to wash away the filth! But i do agree, porn is ridiculous!!