Engadget: Stream TV Elocity 3T glasses-free TV eyes-on

Engadget: There's been no shortage of glasses-free 3D at CES but we can't say we expected Stream TV, makers of those Elocity tablets, to be showing off wares of its own. While the company is promising lots of spectacle-free TVs with parallax screens in the next year, at its booth there was just a 42-inch 1080p 3T1 panel on the show floor.

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Stream TV Ultra-D 3D Gaming Is Unreal - Shacknews

At CES 2015, Stream TV Networks' gaming guru explains how Ultra-D technology works with Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4 to bring glasses-free 3D gaming into the home in this exclusive interview.

jagiii3475d ago

The 3D looks really good in real life on these TVs.

barbarapeva3474d ago

these ultra-D tv's are great


Stream TV launching glasses free Ultra-D 3DTV tech at CES, again

Engadget - We don't recall seeing Stream TV's Elocity 3T autostereoscopic 3D TV on shelves after our CES demo last year, but to be fair, we don't get out much. Not to worry however, as the company will be back at CES 2012, this time touting Ultra-D "next generation 3D without glasses display technology" that it claims will surpass all 3D experiences to date.

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