
Torrent Statistics Divulged

Rather unsurprisingly, PC is up at the top with a vast, vast majority of torrented files being available for the platform. It’s followed by the PSP, with the Wii just behind, then the Playstation closely followed by the Xbox

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TheStee4948d ago

aaaaah pirates. or should I say ARGH! Pirates!

EddyD4948d ago

Agreed, and also the PSP part is pretty interesting.

redd0r4948d ago

That's weird. My story got approved but it doesn't appear on the site?

EddyD4948d ago

Strange, yea, i've just noticed it disappear from everywhere.

Killer64948d ago

I can see it under news, but you're right, i can't see it anywhere else. odd.

redd0r4947d ago

I've just been told its something to do with content filtering or what not.

Scenarist4946d ago (Edited 4946d ago )

I take full responsibility for that PC bar at the top....


jk jk


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