
Razer Switchblade – Prepare to be Amazed

The guys over at Razer have created something very special. This video is a rollercoaster of emotion, which goes something like this: Wow, that guy’s voice is incredible! Meh, it looks like a tiny, stupid netbook. Oh My God, look at the keys!

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Killer64948d ago

Would be nice to actually see this go up on the main site.

EddyD4948d ago

I do hope it gets up on the main site, because there is nothing wrong with this edit what so ever, although i'm betting it gets reported for some reason or another, thus preventing more interesting news on the site.

redd0r4948d ago

Didn't this story get approved the other day?

EddyD4948d ago

It keeps getting rejected for many pointless reasons. Despite the fact that it's really interesting news and all the other stories about it have failed.

toaster4947d ago

lol yeah this is a funny one. I submitted the first story of it, and then other people submitted dupes, but they all failed.. LOL.

TheStee4948d ago

Those are some crazy ass, changing keys!

toaster4947d ago

Cool concept but I don't think that it'll have the hardware muscle to play most newer games at high settings.. I love the LED keys though and with the mod community I'm sure people will program more icons and such. I'm kind of skeptical about Razer products though since they tend to be over priced and perform less spectacularly than the competition. But this one looks to be a brand new concept and so far it looks good.

lugia 40004947d ago

That PC doesn´t even play WoW at max without having breaks.
Example: 2:20

Scottyabanks4947d ago

You do realize that the PC in the video is a digitally rendered concept right? Of course it's not showing real time game play.