Pocket-Lint: iRiver has announced the iriver Story HD ebook reader at CES 2011 - the world's highest resolution 6-inch ebook reader.
PC World: Google is everywhere right now. The company has made a strong push with its Google Books project, but until now it hasn't had a tie-in to a stand-alone e-reader. That changes with the iRiver Story HD, which goes on sale this weekend at Target for $140. The Story HD makes getting Google ebooks onto an E Ink-based reader reasonably easy; in my trials with the device, however, I found myself frustrated by the Story HD's cheap design, poky performance, and Google Books interface.
FroogleGeek: "Google announced today an e-reader which is compatible with Google eBooks that will be brought to market on July 17th. Going by the name of the iriver Story HD, it will cost $140 and will be available in Target stores nationwide as well as on Target.com."
Engadget: Our trailer was just visited by an iriver rep bearing his company's Kindle killer in waiting, the Story HD. This 6-inch e-reader touts a bodacious 1024 x 768 resolution, which contributes to an even better contrast ratio than on Amazon's E Ink slate, while software optimizations between now and release are expected to make the Story HD the fastest-refreshing device of its kind.