
If an App Is Your Content Strategy, You Are Doomed

Gigaom: When the iPad first arrived on the scene, many newspaper and magazine publishers seemed to see it as a digital savior that would restore their fortunes and allow them to withstand the whole “information wants to be free” aspect of the Internet. After an initial flurry of interest, however, the enthusiasm of readers seems to be waning, according to some recent numbers which show that sales of many magazine apps have been slipping. Hopefully some publishers are starting to realize that simply having an iPad app doesn’t qualify as a digital content strategy.


Windows Copilot gets its artificial tendrils deeper into the OS settings in a new beta update

And, for once, some of what it can do looks genuinely useful.


How Meta Is Preparing for the EU’s 2024 Parliament Elections

As the election approaches,Meta plans to activate an Elections Operations Center to identify potential threats and put mitigations in place in real time.

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NVIDIA will Reveal New AI Advancements at CES 2024

NVIDIA will have a Special Address at CES 2024 which is scheduled for Monday, 8 Jan. at 8 a.m. PT / 5 p.m. CET.

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