
TechSpy Share Buttons

BT writes: "One of my favourite sites to visit is TechSpy. It’s an upcoming technology news aggregate site that uses a different model to boost stories to the spot light. However, we all need to get TechSpy among the big dogs and the job is also partially in the hands of webmasters such as myself, so here are some unofficial buttons I made that can be added to your site."

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-Mezzo-5029d ago

Really, appreciate your contribution towards this site. Cheers.

Syko5029d ago

This is appreciated Racer, Cheers man.

EddyD5028d ago

Those are some cool buttons :)

fatstarr5028d ago

I like :D

Movin on up <sings>


TechSpy V2 Open Beta

It’s been a while now since we last had a major update to the site, 5 years to be exact. We are finally ready to push the next site update and we are aiming for a launch mid December. Before that we need some help with breaking stuff so we are opening up beta versions of all 5 NewsBoiler sites today so that we can do some stress testing and sort out the last bugs.

KingPin3232d ago

the new colour scheme works but the rest of it seems impractical.
its a lot of wasted space on the page mostly due to the size of each preview.
compared to the old one, where you could fit 5 previews next to each other, now you can only do 3.

with the list view, you could see more by scrolling less, with the new version, this is not the case.

what could possibly work is the new theme over the old layout and maybe neatening up the right hand column with the user blogs, user reviews and last commented section like you did with the layout.

techgeeker3232d ago

I like the way things work here though!