EVGA unveiled its next enthusiast-grade motherboard, the P67 Classified. The board is designed for upcoming "Sandy Bridge" processors from Intel in the LGA1155 package, and uses the Intel P67 Express chipset. EVGA's main design goes seem to be: 1. giving the processor a strong VRM that helps with overclocking; and 2. to expand the board's PCI-Express resources using an nForce 200 bridge chip. The CPU is powered by a 12-phase VRM that draws power from two 8-pin EPS connectors. Knowing EVGA, the CPU socket is of premium-grade, with higher gold content on the pins. The four DDR3 DIMM slots are powered by a 3-phase VRM. The main ATX power connector is angled for better aesthetics.
The Supernova 1300 G+ and 1600 G+ Power Supplies are now available on Amazon.
EVGA's highest-end graphics card to date
For many PC owners it all comes down to power and Skewed and Reviewed have posted a review of a power supply that may make things much easier for users.