Engadget - Say hello to the version 2.0 of SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone and iPod Touch devices, which improves over v1.2 and its 3G streaming by adding the high quality video and new program guide features seen in the iPad version.
Mashable: "Sling Media announced a new SlingPlayer channel for Roku streaming devices on Monday. This means you can enjoy live or recorded TV via a Slingbox on a Roku streaming player."
Pocket-Lint: Sling Media has announced a new Honeycomb-flavoured version of its SlingPlayer app allowing user to "sling" content from their TV to their Android tablet.
Engadget: Wrap your head around this one, you have your Google TV connected to your TV and your DVR, and now you'll soon be able to connect to a Sling Box in other room, house, city, country, and watch that content too. This Flash app optimized for Google TV was on display at CES and reminds us more of the Sling Player app on a portable than a Google TV app.