
New Research Reveals A Nation Confused by Their Cameras

Photography Blog - New research from Samsung reveals over a third of Brits are under-using their cameras, more so than other technologies such as mobiles or laptops. A quarter admit to feeling worried when they press a button which produces a display they don’t recognise and just over one in ten say they are so confused by their cameras that they hand it to someone else to take the shots.

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NASA radar images show stadium-sized asteroid tumbling by Earth during flyby

The asteroid zoomed by Earth at a perfectly safe distance of around 1.8 million miles (2.9 kilometers).


Radar images reveal damage on Europe's doomed ERS-2 satellite during final orbits

Images show surprise changes to the spacecraft as it interacted with the atmosphere.

283d ago

10 HP Printer Problems and How to Troubleshoot Them

Read this post to learn about 10 HP printer problems and how to troubleshoot them. Follow all the steps carefully while solving the error for a smooth result.

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