
IE9 introduces anti-tracking tool

BBC - Microsoft's IE9 browser will have tools that control what data is collected about what a user does online.

The tools will let people stop a site they are visiting sharing information about what they do with other sites.


Internet Explorer continues growth past 55% market share thanks to IE9 and IE10

TNW-Last month we said 2013 wouldn’t disappoint in the battle of the top three browsers, and boy were we right. February was the fourth full month of IE10 availability as well as when new versions of competing browsers launched in the same week: Firefox 19 and Chrome 25. The latest market share numbers from Net Applications show that Chrome is so far still the only loser in 2013.

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Xbox 360: Internet Explorer 9 Review - Is It Worth Your Time? - Mobile & Apps

Mobile & Apps: "nternet Explorer 9 is finally usable by everyone who owns an Xbox 360. The recent Dashboard update brought quite a few things to the table, but the most apparent feature, is that of Microsoft's long running Web browser."

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Microsoft Issues Major Internet Explorer Security Warning

Gadgehit.com writes: "Microsoft has issued a security warning for Internet Explorer users after the Federal Office For Information Security in Germany uncovered an exploit in the popular internet browser. The agency said that this weak point was already being used for targeted attacks, and affects Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions."

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SnakeCQC4524d ago

lol for all the cool advertisements they've done yet its still a POS

gaffyh4524d ago

I'd just use Chrome or Firefox for a while rather than go through all the stuff Microsoft are suggesting.