
YouPorn sued for using JavaScript flaw to spy on users

If you're an avid aficionado of streaming porn, you may have more to worry about than the possibility of your spouse walking in on you as you indulge yourself. A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Mainstream Media International, the company behind YouPorn and its spinoffs, for subjecting users to "history sniffing" behind their backs and violating their privacy.

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Has the Indian government banned porn websites?

It looks like Information and Broadcasting Ministry, Govt. of India has starting cracking down on pornographic websites.

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YouPorn encourages users to sign up to Xbox Beta

Xbigy Games: Adult site YouPorn has begun to encourage users to sign up for the Microsoft Beta in order to access their site through the Xbox's new browser.

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Just How Big Are Porn Sites?

Extreme Tech writes "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in possession of a fast internet connection must be in want of some porn.

While it’s difficult domain to penetrate — hard numbers are few and far between — we know for a fact that porn sites are some of the most trafficked parts of the internet..."

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QuodEratDemonstrandm4494d ago

If you took all of the porn off the internet, there would only be one site left:

BringBackThePorn. Com


the number of porn sites is too damn High!!!!!!!!!
add meme if you want a visual

RememberThe3574494d ago (Edited 4494d ago )

Think a pretty short patch cable... lol

thebudgetgamer4494d ago

your web-site is the number one non porn site. Witch makes it ten trillionth over all.

parasit34494d ago

Q: Just How Big Are Porn Sites?

A: Just as big as my dick.

PENGUINKK4494d ago

Surprisingly small then.

You walked right into that one.

Hozi894493d ago

Hey Penguinkk, are you saying that you know Parasit3's)dick size? that you've seen it before?
wow, you walked right into that one

hadouken0074494d ago

we dont need a link to that.

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