
Flickr Hack Makes 3D Model of Any City in a Day

Scholars at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have developed a method for creating 3D models of pretty much anything in pretty much no time.

Using a sexy algorithm and the millions of photographs available from Flickr, the team can create a sophisticated three-dimensional model on a single personal computer in under a day.

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toaster4983d ago

This is actually very cool, if implemented right it could potentially be a new way of mapping cities or adding new streets to existing maps.


That 1TB of free storage you had on Flickr is going away in March

One of the changes to Flickr that SmugMug is bringing in after buying the service last year was to drop the 1TB of storage available on the free plan.

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Free Flickr accounts slashed to 1,000 pictures; the rest will be deleted

Flickr's new owners realize that giving away free storage isn't a great business model.

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Flickr ends its free 1TB storage while improving the paid portion of the service

If you use Flickr for your photo storage needs, some changes are on the way that is definitely worth noting. These changes come about after the service was purchased by SmugMug back in April.

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