PC Mag: BlackBerry makers Research in Motion just proved it can innovate with the PlayBook, a major new platform that vaults BlackBerry out of its doldrums and potentially back into the top rank of hot consumer technologies.
Pocket-Lint: Research In Motion has launched a new mini Bluetooth keyboard for the BlackBerry PlayBook - complete with accompanying case to house it all. But should you be bothering and will it make working on the go any easier?
There was a news that the BlackBerry PlayBook would support Android Apps but the it has been on rumor since then, now there has been more reliable source for confirmation of the news, during an MWC demo of the tablet, a RIM representative mentioned that “we will also support Android apps”.
FierceDeveloper: Research In Motion is about to introduce its new tablet, the PlayBook, which runs on software from QNX. The company will release a version of the gadget for Sprint Nextel's WiMAX network this summer.