
A True Story of Identity Theft

Alex Cronk-Young writes: I met Chris under the name J. Cosmo Cohen, writing at Bitmob.com -- a site that advocates for everyone to use their real names. It was only after getting to know him for quite awhile that he confessed to having lied about his real name, but he had genuine reason to. Cosmo (As everyone calls him now) had his identity stolen, and naturally has been a little wary of giving out personal information ever since. After I talked to Nick Gates about paranoia in the digital world, I thought it would be an interesting follow-up to ask Cosmo some questions about the event that probably forever changed his outlook on life.

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fatstarr5056d ago

very interesting i can refer people to this when they think i am on a conspiracy theory rant.

acronkyoung5056d ago

Glad you liked it. Even being the one asking him the questions, I find it hard to scare myself into being more careful on the Internet. Never seems like it can happen to you.

fatstarr5056d ago

its crazy that you can crack down a ssn to breakable numbers once you get a small detail like state birth.


Microsoft's Gaming Shake-up: 1900 Job Cuts, Senior Execs Exit Xbox and Blizzard

Microsoft is laying off more employees, a new round after they cut thousands last year. It seems like many big tech companies are doing the same.

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Blizzard Entertainment is Heating Up with Girls Who Code and Overwatch Summer Games

Blizzard Entertainment is keeping things busy with the Overwatch Summer Games and Girls Who Code. CGM sat down with Senior Software Engineer on Overwatch, Julie Anne Brame, to learn more about the program.

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Twitch signs a deal with Blizzard to stream e-sports tournaments

Twitch now has two-year third-party streaming rights for some of the biggest Blizzard e-sport tournaments.

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sonicwrecks2591d ago

Really good move by Twitch. The YouTube Gaming battle continues.