Engadget: Everyone deserves a second chance, right? In the world of cheapo tablets, sure! Or at least that's our attitude when it comes to a company like Augen. Sure, it was just about a month ago that it released its $150 GenTouch78 at Kmart, but it's planning some future tablet products and hoping to right all those previous wrongs. According to the statement put out by the company, this new set of "Espresso" tablets will be unveiled at CES 2011 and will span from 7 to 10 inches diagonally.
The Digital Reader - Augen burst on the gadget scene last year when they released The Book, their Kindle clone with a 7″ screen. While they got a lot of attention at birth, their demise has gone unnoticed.
Engadget: It's baaack! Yep, that up there is Augen's next version of its Gentouch 78 (you know, the Kmart tablet) -- henceforth known as the Gentouch Latte. But Augen isn't stopping there, it has a few more tablet treats coming, and we got a chance to check 'em out in Vegas. Hit the break for the lowdown on the company's four new tablets and don't forget to stop on by the gallery below to peruse the hands-on shots.
Engadget: The future for Augen's $150 tablet and $100 smartbook isn't looking good -- not only do the blue-light specials have slow processors and resistive touchscreens, but their official Google app privileges have just been revoked.