
When Chatroulette is a horror movie (In A Good Way- With Video)

I am not entirely sure why people who don't like to be afraid in real life go out of their way to enjoy the same feeling in the movie theater.
Perhaps it's because their inner cortex knows it's not real. Or perhaps this is some strange mating ritual in which boys take girls to horror movies in order to get them frightened, which results in the vastly clever male showing his protective side.

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5085d ago

Nudity Is Chatroulette's New Business Plan

Chatroulette may have lost some of its initial buzz in recent months, but that doesn't worry founder Andrey Ternovskiy as much as the accompanying loss of traffic. But, despite 60% drops in visits, Ternovskiy has a new idea on how to make the site pay off - and it's all thanks to men taking off their clothes.

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Speed-Racer4941d ago

This isnt exactly new ... been a policy for some time now

toaster4940d ago

I've never actually used Chatroulette.


If Chatroulette Had Facebook Connect, People Would Keep Their Pants On

Wine Library founder Gary Vaynerchuk took the stage at Le Web today to talk about the importance of the human element in business. It’s really easy to not take the extremely quotable GaryVee seriously, because he spits out more platitudes than anyone you’ve ever met.

His latest? “Chatroulette didn’t work because there was an enormous amount of penis. If Chatroulette had used Facebook Connect people would have kept their pants on.“

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This is The New Chatroulette

Chatroulette version 2.0 is finally released after several delays, but the problem with nudity has not been eliminated.

fatstarr5077d ago (Edited 5077d ago )

looks the same.
the birth of penis tracking software is on the horizon lol.