
A Fanboy is Studied

3xG says: "Fanboyism a derivative of fanaticism seems to be common place in the gaming community. In this article we take a look at what defines a fanboy or girl for that matter, dissect a typical fan and see what fuels such actions and the reasoning behind it.

We also take an inside scoop to see how companies monopolises fans and how they are used in marketing."

5313d ago

Sony commits to supporting the PS4 longer than it did the PS3

In an interview in the December issue of Edge Magazine, Ryan admitted that the transition from the PS3 to the PS4 was rather abrupt.

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PS5 won't be backward compatible with PS3, PS2 or PS1: Ubisoft

Sony says that above 4000 PlayStation 4 games on the market will be backward compatible with the impending PlayStation 5 of the company.

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Modder crams Nintendo Wii into a handheld Game Boy Color

Maker GingerOfMods has completed work on a brand new creation, a portable Nintendo Wii built into what is essentially the chassis of a Game Boy Color.

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