
Samsung Galaxy S smartphone launches at RadioShack

RadioShack is adding even more options to its broad portfolio of leading-edge wireless products this summer by offering Samsung's newest devices for mobile entertainment and social networking.

The Android-powered Galaxy S series - Samsung Epic for Sprint, Vibrant for T-Mobile and Captivate for AT&T - are equipped with a 4-inch super-AMOLED screen and 1-GHz processor for HD video playback providing a brilliant, on-the-go multimedia experience that rivals in-home entertainment.

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Radioshack Will Sell You Its Name For $20 Million

Bids beginning at $20 million will be taken for the RadioShack name now that the company is in bankruptcy. Standard General, the largest RadioShack shareholder, has asked the US Bankruptcy Court to allow it to lead the bidding on March 23 at an auction.

RadioShack's current plans are still not entirely clear. We now know the name of the company will not continue since it is being sold.

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hanaghansarah3438d ago

what a rip off, someone will pick it up though

Stringerbell3438d ago

I've only been to radio shack once in my life. I bought some obnoxiously large battery for a science project. I must have been 12 or so, thats it.

Dasteru3437d ago

I would have a tough time justifying $20 for the Radio Shack name, let alone $20 million.


RadioShack in Talks to Sell Half Its Stores to Sprint, Shutter the Rest

Bloomberg: RadioShack Corp. is preparing to shut down the almost-century-old retail chain in a bankruptcy deal that would sell about half its store leases to Sprint Corp. and close the rest, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.

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RadioShack May File for Bankruptcy in February

Maximum PC: Any nerd over the age of twenty can probably remember a time he or she would frequent the local RadioShack. It was the go-to shop for electronics and geek fare, though we're talking a lifetime ago in tech years. Fast forward to today and there are reports that RadioShack is headed for a bankruptcy filing, perhaps as early as the first week of February. Sadly, we can't say we're surprised.

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SilentNegotiator3479d ago

It's overpriced and has low knowledge employees despite being a specialty shop. I don't think many people will miss (the modern) Radioshack.