
Is Facebook bad for your soul?

Stats out this week pose an interesting question about Facebook: is it on its way to saturation point in the UK?

With 26 million UK users already, data from web analyst firm Hitwise points out that while Facebook's market share of UK page views has trebled over the past five years - one in six web pages viewed in the UK is a Facebook page - growth has slowed significantly over the past six months.


Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta

Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta.

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How to change your birthday on Facebook

Now you can get happy birthday messages on your actual birthday instead of some random day.

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855d ago

Facebook says to follow its livestream rules or be banned, this is your only warning

Facebook has to implement new rules for Facebook Live because people are literally the worst. Now, if you break the rules you'll receive a ban.

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