
100% Proof From Tawkon: Death Grip Impacts iPhone 4, BlackBerry Bold & Nexus One

TechCrunch: Remember how back during the Antennagate press conference, Steve Jobs explained that all smartphones have an Achilles Heel known as their antenna? Oh sure, we all rolled our eyes and then oohed and aahed when we learned we’d get bumpers. Well guess what… Jobs was right. Again. And now, courtesy of Tawkon we’ve got the proof.

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fatstarr5099d ago

what is this a new science now -_-
it was funny at first but now its just getting.
bla and orly "its that Article again."


Leaks Show That iPhone 12 Series Design Could Look Similar To iPhone 4

According to Apple, they are working on making exterior design of iPhone 12 better. Jin Store has got the drawings as well as the moulds from case makers.

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Facebook and BlackBerry are heading to court over voice messaging patents

There’s a new battle commencing between Facebook and BlackBerry. On Tuesday, the social network sued the phone maker over alleged infringement of six patents. Of these, one is related to a voice message feature in BBM Enterprise.

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BlackBerry Key 2 Review | CGM

BlackBerry is back, with one of the most refined, yet useful devices to date, the BlackBerry Key 2.

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