
The Best Free Anti-virus Software for Windows

Anti-virus software is a very competitive market, with many packages selling for large amounts of money. This article explores the three best options you have if you don’t want to spend a single penny.

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Internet Explorer was hacked in only 17 seconds at Pwn2Own

Internet Explorer 11 suffered a harsh defeat from 360Vulcan at the Pwn2Own hacking competition in Vancouver today.

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Tzuno3616d ago

And that's why it needs to die, now really i hated that bloatware browser. Firefox love here.

Tsuru3616d ago

Microsoft already announced end of life for it i thought?

Speed-Racer3616d ago

Firefox was also hacked at the event.

coolbeans3616d ago

Apparently, all four of the major browsers were hacked there. That article will get a lot less heat, which is partially understandable when considering the time limit here.

Gilgamesh153616d ago

If you read the article this team has been working with the Microsoft security team for 5 years, so this is no surprise.

bahadur3613d ago

Internet Explorer is ancient, even the jokes ridiculing it are getting old. It's about time MS brought something new to joke about.

Speed-Racer3613d ago

have you been reading the news lately?

bahadur3612d ago

Yes, I know it's ended and they're bringing something new to joke about now.


Maximum PC - Calling All Readers: Which Antivirus Programs Would YOU Like to See Reviewed?

Maximum PC: Straight and to the point, we need your help. You see, we're getting ready to conduct our annual roundup of Internet security suites, and we thought we'd try something a little different this year. Rather than pick which programs we think you'd be most interested in reading about, we're letting YOU tell US which ones to include. That's right, you wield the power -- how will you use it?

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Crazyglues4409d ago

Yes Love AVG...

-go ahead and review that one, it would be nice to see if it's as good as I believe it is...

Speed-Racer4409d ago

For the review: Kaspersky, AVG, NOD32.

3GenGames4409d ago

I'd like to see the review of how computer knowledge will avoid any viruses.

Speed-Racer4409d ago (Edited 4409d ago )

Not necessarily true. Some viruses are delivered by advertisements. Some trusted ad agencies sometimes slip up and accidentally allow ads with malware to slip through. Also some legit websites end up being infected, mainly because the web admin may have installed a script that might have been loaded with a backdoor. An end user would be none the wiser to threats like these.

3GenGames4409d ago

If the ads contain malware, you'll only get tracked if you install/allow them to. The browser is a sandbox, and only allows stuff it translates to the page for scripts to use. You apparently don't do much with tech besides comment on specs. I am a programmer. I know how viruses works, how they get on your computer, and that 99.9% are because of the end user being a trained click-through-warnings machine. In fact, the biggest virus out there is Norton. I don't see ANY virus tools on linux, because people who use linux are too smart for viruses and petty stuff like that.

Speed-Racer4409d ago

For someone who supposedly knows alot about programming, etc. you mention the point about Linux. One of the main reasons there aren't many viruses on the Linux market is because it doesn't hold a majority market share like Windows does. Why break into a bank with only $1000 in the safe when you can break in to a safe wit $10 million? Same concept applies to why hackers target Windows over any other system. The same is now happening to OS X now that it's gaining some popularity. While your reason may stand true, it's not the only reason.

Also modern day backdoors (different from viruses) don't need explicit user permission to infect a system. The fact that they can be written into an executable JS script and then hidden within say a Wordpress plugin, could spell disaster for the unsuspecting end users.

SilentNegotiator4408d ago

"If the ads contain malware, you'll only get tracked if you install/allow them to"
Yeaaaaah, no. General knowledge of modern virus history absolutely says otherwise.

"The same is now happening to OS X now that it's gaining some popularity"
I don't buy that. Apple is big enough that hackers would be foolish not to consider it. Especially as Apple computers are big among professionals. OS X still only has a handful or two of viruses in its entire history and a LOT of them are not recent.


FTC Wins $163 Million Judgment Against 'Scareware' Scammer

Maximum PC: Kristy Ross, suspected ringleader of a "scareware" scam that tricked over a million consumers into buying software to remove malware detected by fake antivirus scans, has been ordered to pay more than $163 million in damages, the Federal Trade Commission announced. The court also permanently barred Ms. Ross from selling security software of any kind, as well as any software that might interfere with a consumer's computer use or engage in any from of deceptive marketing.

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newsguy4515d ago

Gah, I hate those "click here to buy your way out of a virus" stuff!