
Mutewatch aims to be a less watch-like watch

Engadget: Watches that try do something really different aren't exactly all that common, but you can certainly say that about the just-announced Mutewatch.

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fatstarr5278d ago

why would you need a watch in this day and age. and why would you need a 200+$ watch to tell time that doesn't have any valuable jewels or metals.

GodsHand5278d ago

Because who ever buys it, will be the coolest kid for a week.


Tech Timepieces: The 5 Coolest Digital Watches

Evolve - Strap your wrist with one of these digitally enhanced tickers.

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Engadget - Mutewatch wrists-on: stay on-task with good vibrations

Engadget - No, the picture above isn't some modernized Power Ranger's wrist communicator. This is the Mutewatch, and we've been intrigued since we first laid eyes on it over a year ago. At a glance, it looks akin to a rubber fashion bracelet, which could make its $260 price tag a shocker. But with the right touch or flick it reveals itself to be much more.

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Shackdaddy8364855d ago

Meh. I really don't like the under-wrist thing. I hate feeling that extra weight on that side. Other than that, it looks pretty cool. I'm pretty used to military time so the 24 hour thing doesn't bug me too much.