
TiVo Premiere vs Windows 7 Media Center

Engadget: Although TiVo and ReplayTV were the first DVRs on the market, Microsoft's software actually powered the DISHPlayer Satellite DVR in late 1999.

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Fighting over the TV...The Tivo Stream Review

The Man Cave Cinema writes; Yes, we must be the only family in North America that owns one TV. There are reasons for why we have one TV (which will not be discussed here), we have solved this issue of people wanting to watch other shows rather than watching what the others are currently are watching. We have made our Ipad and Ipod Touch mini TV's with the Tivo Stream. The complaining all the sudden stopped!

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TiVo Premiere now free on contract for $20 monthly

Well, it seems we finally know why TiVo was waxing poetic about software in recent months -- it's the way the company primarily plans to charge for its DVR hardware from now on. Following a week-long experiment of free-on-contract DVRs conducted last month, TiVo's opening up subsidized and partially subsidized pricing tiers to the entire US for those willing to chain themselves to a pricier $20 monthly fee. You can now get a TiVo Premiere for $0 on a two-year contract or $100 with a one-year arrangement, or pick up a TiVo Premiere XL for $300 on a one-year deal -- the same price the regular old 45-hour TiVo Premiere cost originally. TiVo's also kept the original $12.95-a-month plans around in case you want to pay full price for your hardware, which would normally make better financial sense after about three years, if not for the fact that there are still lifetime subscriptions available for $400 if you're truly in it for the long haul.

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BmR: nMedia HTPC 1080p Media Center Chassis Review

Benchmark Reviews: As computers become more commonly included in people's home entertainment systems, it is only natural that companies like nMedia try to create custom cases to cater to those consumers' needs. As seen with other cases from nMedia that Benchmark Reviews has tested, such as the 6000B HTPC Case, nMedia is no stranger to multimedia and HTPC case design. nMedia has given Benchmark Review a chance to look at their latest in their HTPC case line, the HTPC 1080p Micro ATX Chassis. Mentioning a low-profile design, dual 80mm silent fans, all-in-one front I/O panel, and an optional LCD Panel would only begin to highlight the features of the HTPC 1080p. Please join Benchmark Reviews and read the full article as we fully explore what nMedia has to offer with the HTPC 1080p.

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