
Facebook and Twitter addicts costing employers billions

Employers have been warned to keep a close eye on employees' social media habits after a poll revealed that more than half use Facebook, Twitter or MySpace during working hours.

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fatstarr5104d ago

But then when they use facebook and twitter for advertising products and such and such its a different story.

romalias25102d ago

Lame... in our current economic times... rofl, employers can deal with a few slackers playing on a twitter for an hour a day. hell they may even mentiont the company they work for and boost it's exposure. furthermore unless they are just staring at a twitter screen it's no differnt then checking a text on your phone what the heck is the world coming to these days when companies are complaining about people keeping in touch with their families and friends...

~~~~~~ ok rant is over ~~~~~~~~~~


Airlines abandon Twitter customer service amid high API fees

Airlines, Air France, KLM, and Ryanair no longer offer customer service support using Twitter's direct message functionality.

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Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta

Messenger will return the Facebook mobile app thanks to Meta.

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According to Elon Musk, writing essays will soon be possible on Twitter

Also read: This full length article provides briefing about virtual data room for startup. You too can contact if you are new at your business.

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502d ago