
Clearwire's 4G iSpot brings wireless broadband to Apple devices

Engadget: Check it out, Clearwire has decided to do up an Apple-centric version of its Spot 4G hotspot, so it's quite naturally fashioned it in the shape of a Magic Mouse and stuck an i prefix to the front of the device. Really, there's nothing new or Apple-exclusive that we can see here -- up to eight devices can hook up to this portable 4G emitter via WiFi and the only authentication required is a password.

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Verizon offers Clearwire $1.5 billion for spectrum leases, says WSJ

The Verge - Verizon is looking to buy Clearwire spectrum leases for $1.5 billion, The Wall Street Journal reports. Clearwire has disclosed an offer for spectrum in major US markets from "Party J," which anonymous sources tell the Journal is Verizon. According to the filing text, the offer is for between $1 billion and $1.5 billion dollars, from which the present price of the spectrum leases would be deducted. Clearwire says it is still evaluating the decision, and a spokesperson has declined to comment to us.

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Clearwire Accepts Sprint Bid At $2.97 A Share; Stock Slides

Forbes : There will be no gigantic new bid for Clearwire.
The mobile wireless broadband provider this morning it has accepted Sprint‘s offer to buy the 50% stake in the company it does not already own for about $2.97 a share, for a total payment of $2.2 billion not counting Sprint’s existing stake.


Sprint Bids for Rest of Clearwire

WSJ: Sprint Nextel Corp. offered to acquire the 49% of Clearwire Corp. that Sprint doesn't already own for $2.90 a share, moving to consolidate a longtime partner that is key to the cellphone carrier's strategy.

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