
Welfare Robots to Ease Burden In Graying Japan

Robotic wheelchairs, mechanical arms and humanoid waiters are among the cutting-edge inventions on show at a robotics fair in Japan, a country whose population is ageing rapidly.

To ease the burden in a nation with one of the world's highest life expectancies, engineers have come up with technologies to make life easier for the elderly and disabled, and their caregivers.

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fatstarr5106d ago

whats with all the robot articles. lol.

GodsHand5106d ago

We are taking over, first we will comfort you, then the next step is to eradicate the human species off the planet.


James Webb Space Telescope finds 'extremely red' supermassive black hole growing

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15 Tips & Settings to Get the Most Out of Vision Pro

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Odysseus mission to be cut short after moon lander's sideways touchdown

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