
Overclock3D: Asus VG236H 3D Vision Monitor Review

Overclock3D writes: "Early monitors capable of handling the refresh rate necessary to handle 3D were limited to 1680x1050. Most people when given the choice between a high resolution or a emerging technology chose the resolution. The rest of us sat and waited for monitors to be sufficiently high calibre to supply us with both the 3D 120hz aspect and the high resolutions we demand.

Asus have brought out the VG236H which is a full-HD monitor supporting the 120hz we need for the stereoscopic effect to work, and that is the subject of today's review."

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ASUS VG236H 120Hz LCD Monitor Review (BmR)

We live in a three-dimensional world, and yet we settle for a 2D virtual world while sitting in front of computers. The price of 3D-capable monitors isn't affordable for budget buyers, just like LCD monitors weren't value priced when they began showing up on shelf space beside CRT monitors, and yet they eventually became the industry standard. ASUS knows a thing or two about the computer hardware industry, and the ASUS VG236H 120Hz widescreen LCD monitor with bundled NVIDIA 3D-Vision kit could help take 3D mainstream. In this article, Benchmark Reviews tests the ASUS Splendid Video Intelligence Technology feature using stereoscopic 3D effects on this 23.6 inch monitor in single-unit and triple-display 3D-Vision Surround configurations.

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Choosing the Best LCD Panel Technology

Benchmark Reviews: It's a well-known fact that nearly all consumers purchase their monitor based on size and price alone. Like everything we shop for, it is human instinct to get as much as possible for as little as possible. So why should we bother ourselves with the details, and what difference could it possibly make? Most people aren't even aware of the different construction processes used to produce the widescreen monitor that rests on their desks. Benchmark Reviews explores the various LCD monitor technologies used by manufacturers to produce computer monitors, and matches application to architecture for our readers.

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