
Engadget: Aava Mobile reveals Virta 2 smartphone development kit, we go hands-on


When we met with Finnish startup Aava Mobile today, they pulled out the same old prototype phone... then, to our great surprise, dropped a brand-new device right alongside to show us how their Moorestown-based ambitions have grown.

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5126d ago

Aava Mobile Medfield MeeGo/Android phone confirmed

SlashGear: Intel has been showing off Medfield-based MeeGo prototypes in the past weeks, and soon Aava Mobile will be getting into the act with its second-generation Aava Core design which the company has confirmed to SlashGear is ready to be rolled out at MWC 2011 this month. According to Aava, the 8.9mm-thick touchscreen smartphone in fact runs either Android or MeeGo.

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In The Era Of The Connected Camera, The Point & Shoot Commits Seppuku

TechCrunch: The big brand camera companies are committing seppuku in front of our eyes. It’s fascinating.

Last week, I bought a brand new Canon S95 camera. It’s a great point & shoot. Maybe the best out there right now. It captures beautiful 10-megapixel images. It’s great in low-light. It’s fast. And it shoots HD video. I anticipate I’ll take about 5 percent of my pictures with it in the coming year. The other 95 percent will be taken with my iPhone. How do I know? Because I had the S90 last year and that was my exact usage pattern.

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