
Chinese clones outpace iPad in Kenyan market

The iPad, apple computer’s hottest selling gadget, is headed for a hard landing when it officially arrives in the Kenyan market that is stealthily getting swamped with clones from China.

In recent months, as the ipad hit European and Asian markets, Chinese imitators have landed in the Kenyan market with the clones that have become a hit with hundreds of consumers hungry to lay their hands on a gadget they have only interacted with on-line.

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5125d ago

Famous ChatGPT app Petey is currently available for iPad

The famous ChatGPT application for Apple Watch, Petey, became available for iPhone a couple of months ago.

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Apple macOS 14 Sonoma: Release date, features and Mac compatibility

Apple’s next operating system for its Mac models is called macOS 14 Sonoma, in this article, we will give you some details about the tech giant’s next version of macOS.

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Apple has cut trade-in values for iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks

Trade-in value has been slashed ahead of the holiday shopping season.

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