
Taranis: The £143million unmanned stealth jet that will hit targets in another continent

Daily Mail Reporter: "Looming ominously like a space ship from Star Wars, this is the future of unmanned flight. Defence firm BAE Systems today officially unveiled its first ever high-tech unmanned stealth jet.

The Taranis, named after the Celtic god of thunder, is about the same size as a Hawk jet and is equipped with stealth equipment and an 'autonomous' artificial intelligence system.

The plane will test the possibility of developing the first ever autonomous stealthy Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) that would ultimately be capable of precisely striking targets at long range, even in another continent."

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GodsHand5128d ago

Intresting, reminds me of that movie stealth. I just hope it don't decide to go awall.

ChickeyCantor5127d ago (Edited 5127d ago )

Great I feel much safer now.


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