
eBay apps for Apple, Android devices now available internationally

Tech Crunch: Digital commerce giant eBay announced this morning the international releases of its eBay Selling application and its eBay for iPad application. The free Selling application is now available in Germany and the UK, and the eBay for iPad application is now translated into French, Italian, German and Spanish and currently available through Apple’s 77 iTunes App Stores.

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eBay’s rules for refurbished tech terrify right-to-repair activists

eBay has new rules in place for sellers. These rules could crush refurbished electronics sales.

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Ryzen 5000 Processors Appear On eBay At High Prices After Sold Out Within Minutes

Yesterday, the awaited Ryzen 5000 series released, and in what comes as no surprise, finding it right now is an impossible task, Unless you pay money on eBay.

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1358d ago
1358d ago
1358d ago
muanhasaigoncity1354d ago

Yesterday, the awaited Ryzen 5000 series released, and in what comes as no surprise, finding it right now is an impossible task, Unless you pay money on eBay.


RTX 3080 Cards Are Being Sold In Black For Thousand Of Dollars On eBay: Nvidia Alerts

A lot of blame can put on bots used by vendors selling them now on eBay with high prices, while Nvidia is trying to handle this matter.

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