
Top 10 YouTube Videos About The BP Oil Spill

ReadWriteWeb: "As we pass the 80 day mark in the greatest underwater oil spill of all time, here's a chance to pause and reflect on the most-viewed YouTube videos about the spill. Our selection doesn't include popular videos that claim environmentalists caused the spill to further their own agenda, nor does it include any official videos from the company whose leadership is the true cause of this disaster.

What is included are several parodies of how BP is handling the situation, as well as a newly released video of whales and dolphins dying in the slick. Many of these videos will soon be out of date as hurricanes and other unexpected events dramatically change the overall story of what BP has done to all the life that calls the Gulf of Mexico home."

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YouTube Calls Out OpenAI for Alleged Sora Training Terms Breach

According to Bloomberg, YouTube CEO Neal Mohan has expressed concern regarding the potential misuse of platform content by OpenAI’s Sora, an AI-driven video creation tool.

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The Downward Spiral of Linus Media Group

Shaz from TL writes: “Linus Sebastian’s media company, Linus Media Group, is under fire. From ethical concerns with videos, to allegations of workplace harassment.”

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How to turn on closed captions on YouTube

If you need (or prefer) to read video content on YouTube, you have options.

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514d ago