Bugs & Fixes: Seven iOS 4 troubleshooting tips

MacWorld: When it comes to troubleshooting, the iOS is remarkably trouble-free. It is not unusual to go weeks—or even months—without having any significant problems with your iPhone’s software. Still, when a new version of the iOS arrives, as with the recently released iOS 4, you can expect a least a bit of head-scratching. Most issues do not center on bugs or other malfunctions.

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Someone brought back the iconic iOS 4 as an iPhone app

If you’ve been an iPhone stan since the iPhone 3G and want a blast from the past, one developer is looking to recreate the experience of iOS 4 as an app for your new iPhone.

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iPhone/iPad update makes you buy more stuff

MSNBC writes:

For months, I have yearned for the day that my iPad and iPhone would be updated with iOS 4.2, giving them amazing printing and media streaming skills. But when I finally got it all loaded up, I came to realize that the OS only delivers on all promises if you spend a small fortune on a bunch of new stuff.

Look over the promo for the long-awaited iOS 4.2 firmware update: AirPrint! Print e-mail, or Web pages, or photos, straight from the iPad over Wi-Fi. "There’s no software to download, no drivers to install, and no cables to connect." Nope, but there is the matter of owning one of the compatible printers, a very small list of HP models, starting at around $70. I was dismayed to find out that the HP I currently use, barely a year old, didn't make the cut

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michass85195d ago

there is a million way to upgrade your gadget with new devices, stuff, like: docks, printers wi-fi streamers, extra battery cases, etc... it is a huge market... so don't expect that your expenses will finish after buying your dream device, it's only starting at that point... :D


Magellan RoadMate GPS app updated for iOS 4, includes real-time traffic and multitasking

Engadget: Magellan may not be the head honcho when it comes to standalone PNDs here in North America, but that's not stopping the outfit from keeping its iOS app up to snuff

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