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Hurt Locker Lawsuit Doesn’t Affect BitTorrent Downloads

TorrentFreak: Despite a pending lawsuit against 5,000 Hurt Locker downloaders and the promises from its makers to sue even more, the film is still being downloaded by thousands of people every day. Interestingly, the makers do not seem to be sending takedown notices to torrent sites, most likely because that would ruin their business plan.

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5331d ago
5331d ago

Comcast throttling BitTorrent was no big deal, FCC says

Net neutrality rules unnecessary because ISPs will do the right thing, Pai says.

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The Pirate Bay offline for 24 hours due to technical problems (Update)

The Pirate Bay has been offline for 24 hours, causing concern among many BitTorrent users. The TPB team is aware of the situation and says the problems are being caused by technical issues, so the site is likely to rebounce soon.

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micx3256d ago

This must have been a huge scare in the torrenting community.


Apple is Running BitTorrent Trackers in Cupertino

Apple is not known for being friendly towards BitTorrent software in its App Store but it appears the technology giant isn't averse to using the technology itself. In fact, according to data provided by "Internet of things" search engine Shodan, Apple is running BitTorrent trackers from dozens of IP addresses in Cupertino.

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