Life and death of Microsoft Kin: the inside story

Engadget: had more trusted sources step forward to fill in some blanks and clarify the story behind the amazingly swift fall from grace that Microsoft's Kin phones have experienced since their launch just a few weeks ago. It's a fascinating tale, and we wanted to share everything we've learned.

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KIN gets minor Twitter update

WMPU: Microsoft has quietly updated its KIN phone software with minor functional changes to Twitter. No official changelog or acknowledgement has been provided by Microsoft at this time.

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Confirmed: Verizon discontinues Kin

Engadget: We guess this doesn't come as a surprise to anyone, but we have confirmation directly from Verizon this morning that it will no longer offer the Kin One or Two.

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Is it fair to blame Andy Lees for Microsoft KIN debacle?

ComputerWorld: This morning's IT Blogwatch rounded up the latest blog chatter about Microsoft's decision to can KIN, its latest not-quite-a-smart-phone project. Redmond killed it not two months after its launch, tossing away countless sunk dollars of now-useless investment. (KIN was the child of the Danger acquisition -- you know, the company that brought us the once-innovative Sidekick.)

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